Ultrarealistic eyebrows (paper book)


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Ultra-realistic Eyebrow

Why writing again about a topic so debated? Because I think I have already established some important principles to work in this field, I tried to improve the existing rules and I have investigated some common intuitions. This is mainly because I needed to reset my mind, putting into this book everything I had learned over time. Only a free mind can fly high, mine had been filled with so much information that I had to keep into this precious book.

That book is the result of a study that has lasted for years, showing you a proven technique that has been tested by me so many times that I can finally say “It really works” and is now yours.

It is, of course, an advanced approach to dermopigmentation. I will give many concepts for granted and, therefore, if you have just started practicing, you should start with “Eyebrow dermopigmentation”, my first work, before reading this manual.

sopracciglio ultrarealistico

Perhaps you will find more images than theory and this is because, if you have been practicing for a while, you are certainly already filled with too many notions. That said, I just have a question for you “Would you like to revolutionize the way you work? Do you want to change your certainties? Do you want to abandon your reference points and start a new journey? “.

If your answer to all the three questions above is YES, then you are now ready to leave your family and friends for a few days. Make sure you have paid your dues. Turn off your phone. And now that your mind is free, you are finally ready to fly high.





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